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Daytona Beach receives fully funded study to mitigate chronic flooding.
Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
During Wednesday night's Daytona Beach City Commission meeting, Congressman Michael Waltz announced that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is including Daytona Beach's request for a feasibility study to address chronic flooding in the 2023 Work Plan for Army Civil Works program. The study, which is fully funded with $3 million through the Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriation Act, will be a significant step towards mitigating the flooding in the low-lying areas south of International Speedway Boulevard between Nova Road and Ridgewood Avenue.
Congressman Waltz thanked the many people who supported the study, which is a prerequisite for being eligible for federal funding.
The low-lying areas south of International Speedway Boulevard have historically flooded during severe storms due to canal breaching and drainage issues. Mitigating flooding in these areas is complex and challenging because roadways and private properties are so low compared to the elevation of Nova Road, Nova Canal, and Ridgewood Avenue, which is commonly known as the "bowl effect."
The City of Daytona Beach has worked with local, state, and federal partners to pursue short and long-term solutions for significant stormwater remediation in Midtown. A preliminary design report conducted in 2009 - when 790 structures received damages from more than 20 inches of rainfall over six days - recommended a regional solution with costs of up to $100 million.
The city submitted a request to Congress to approve funding of a feasibility study and design solutions by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which received approval under the Water Authorization Bill in 2016. However, the city had been waiting on Congress to appropriate funding.
While awaiting assistance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the city completed components of an overall plan to immediately address the flooding potential of this low-lying area, including installing 15 "backflow preventers" in the banks of the Nova Canal, upgrading aged stormwater pipes in outfalls, building stormwater capacity at North and Mark streets, and installing pump stations.