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DeLeon Springs man arrested for trespassing at McInnis Elementary School.

Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
In a surprising turn of events this morning, the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office took to social media to inform the public that a man identified as Julian Rediker, 49, was taken into custody for trespassing at McInnis Elementary School in DeLeon Springs.
According to the Facebook post, the chain of events began when Rediker reportedly scaled a fence and gained access to the roof of McInnis Elementary School before the principal, who was conducting her usual rounds, spotted Rediker.
Rediker proceeded to jump off the school's roof and ran away. However, the Volusia County Sheriff's Office aerial unit "Air One" located Rediker shortly after his rooftop descent before he was taken into custody by Sheriff's Deputies on the ground.
According to Rediker, he was being chased by a van after fleeing a house where people were looking in the windows at him. The Sheriff's Office has confirmed that no weapons were involved in the incident. As a result of his actions, Rediker now faces charges of trespassing on school grounds.