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Microchips, Pet Food, and More at Free Animal Services Event on May 22

Wed, May 12, 2021 at 9:15AM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



Volusia County Animal Services is hosting a one-stop-shop for people and their pets on Saturday, May 22, with everything from pet microchips, pet food, and rabies vaccinations available. 

The free event will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Volusia County Animal Services headquarters, located on Indian Lake Rd., in Daytona Beach. This will be the fifth free community event that Animal Services has put on since June of 2020. However, it is the first event to include pet rabies vaccinations. 

Animal Services is encouraging residents to get their reptiles microchipped as part of a new Florida Wildlife Commission initiative called Tag Your Reptile Day. The program aims to microchip non-invasive species such as tegu lizards and green iguanas for proper identification of both pet and owner. About the size of a grain of rice, microchips are implanted just under the skin. With the wave of a hand-held wand over the pet’s back, the ID code on the microchip will lead to the owner’s name and contact information.

“We’re delighted to be able to put these events on for our residents,” said Volusia County Animal Services Director Adam Leath. “While enforcing laws and ordinances about animals is an important part of what we do at Animal Services, it’s not all that we do. We provide programs and services aimed at helping people and pets in our community. And that’s what these community events are all about.”

According to a release, for safety and convenience, this will be a drive-thru event. 

While residents won’t have to get out of their vehicle, they’re encouraged to wear a face covering. Those bringing a pet to the event for a microchip, rabies vaccine, or both should have their dogs on a leash and cats secured in a crate. Staff will remove the pet from the vehicle for the desired service and then return the pet to its owner just a few minutes later. 

“Every pet, whether furry or scaly, deserves to be reunited with its owner,” said Leath. “Should it ever become lost, a microchip is the best way to ensure that we can return your pet to you safe and sound.”

To expedite service at the event microchipping, and vaccination forms can be printed, and filled out before arrival. The microchip consent form can be downloaded here:

The rabies vaccination authorization and release form can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:

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