Mid-Century Modern Design for Future Fire Station #1

With its wave-inspired roof, bold red accents, ample floor-to-ceiling windows and exposed steel supports, the city of Daytona Beach has released near-final design renderings of a new fire complex. The 28,000-square-foot headquarters will be located on South Ridgewood Avenue and will replace the nearly 100-year-old historic facility on South Beach Street, Volusia County’s busiest station with more than 4,500 calls for service in 2023.
The impressive renderings reveal a two-story design incorporating Daytona Beach’s rich history with exterior coquina tile and modern craftsman-style windows.
"The commencement of our new headquarters not only marks a milestone in our city's progress but also stands as a testament to our cherished heritage," said Deputy City Manager/Fire Chief Dru Driscoll. "This new facility blends tradition with innovation, embodying our commitment to sustainable growth.”
The design of the fortified concrete firehouse includes a working station complete with four, double truck bays for fire apparatus and accommodations for up to 14 firefighters; office space to bring all administrative personnel under one roof; an 80-seat community room, which could double as a secondary Emergency Operations Center; a museum space to showcase the department’s history and permanently feature Rosie, a 1952 fire engine which was in service through 1987; a Solar powered and wired for future EV fire engines.
Chief Driscoll is hopeful site work and vertical construction will begin this summer, and completion is projected for late 2025.