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Ponce Inlet's Planning Department to upgrade software for enhanced services.

Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
To streamline its operations and enhance services, the Town of Ponce Inlet's Planning & Development Department has announced a scheduled update to its permitting software, which will take place on Friday, December 15, 2023. During the update process, permit processing and payment services will be unavailable to the public due to a temporary service suspension.
The interruption is necessary to implement the software update, ensuring a more efficient and user-friendly experience for residents and stakeholders. Normal operations will resume promptly on Monday, December 18, 2023, as the Planning & Development Department works diligently to complete the software update within the specified timeframe.
For any questions or concerns, contact the Planning & Development Department at 386-236-2181 or 386-236-2182.