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Ponce Inlet shares upcoming storm and sandbag information.
Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
The Town of Ponce Inlet expects tidal flooding and significant beach erosion resulting from the low-pressure system developing in the Atlantic Ocean. Higher tides and waves should start this Saturday, with the most severe impacts expected early Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings during high tide.
According to a release, the storm system is not expected to be a significant rain event. However, low-lying areas along the ocean and river may experience localized flooding from tidal action and wind-driven waves.
As a precaution, sandbags will be available to Ponce Inlet residents Sunday, and Monday from 8 AM through 4 PM, at the Ponce Inlet Community Center, 4670 South Peninsula Drive. Residents should bring a shovel and be prepared to fill their bags. There is a limit of 10 bags per resident, and identification is required.