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Stay Safe this Halloween: FLHSMV's Urgent Safety Advisory

Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
As the sun sets on Tuesday, October 31, the last day of National Pedestrian Safety Month, many nationwide will participate in Halloween festivities like attending Halloween parties or trick-or-treating. Amidst the revelry, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) issues a stark reminder: Halloween is one of the most dangerous nights for pedestrians.
Citing alarming statistics from 2022, FLHSMV reported a staggering 2,590 crashes on Florida roads during Halloween, leading to 137 severe injuries and 21 fatalities. Most of these tragic incidents occurred around 7 p.m. when numerous families and children were out enjoying the Halloween festivities. These numbers represented a notable increase from the preceding year, with a nearly 25% rise in crashes resulting in fatalities.
In response to these concerning figures, FLHSMV is fervently advocating for additional vigilance among parents, caregivers, and motorists. They have offered a set of crucial safety guidelines to avert potential accidents and tragedies this Halloween:
Motorists are advised to:
- Stay attentive and minimize distractions, understanding that any diversion from driving can be hazardous.
- Exercise caution, slow down, and remain alert. Recognize that costumes might hinder a child’s ability to see and hear oncoming vehicles, impeding their swift movement out of the roadway.
- Be vigilant for children walking on the streets, especially on roads with no sidewalks. Pedestrian presence surges on Halloween, necessitating reduced speeds to ensure safety.
- Exercise caution while entering or exiting driveways and consistently check behind the vehicle before reversing.
- Remain alert for trick-or-treaters who might unexpectedly dash into traffic from behind parked vehicles or foliage.
For Parents and Trick-or-Treaters, the FLHSMV advises:
- Prioritize visibility and safety by carrying flashlights, wearing bright attire, and affixing reflective tape on costumes and treat bags.
- Use sidewalks or designated crossings whenever possible. In the absence of sidewalks, walk facing the traffic, sticking as close to the curb as feasible.
- Remind children never to dart into the street or cross between parked cars.
- Stay aware of the surroundings, avoiding distractions like wearing headphones or texting while walking.
- Ensure that children are not unaccompanied while trick-or-treating. For older children, review pedestrian safety measures, especially if they are trick-or-treating without supervision.
For individuals seeking more Halloween safety recommendations, FLHSMV directs them to their comprehensive Halloween Safety guide on the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles website