Towers At Ponce Inlet

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The Towers at Ponce Inlet' is a large oceanfront condominium community located where NASCAR first held car races on the sandy beach of Ponce Inlet. 

Prized by its residents for it's relaxed lifestyle, Ponce Inlet is a quaint seaside town nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and Halifax River just 10 miles south of Daytona Beach, Florida. 

The historic Ponce DeLeon Lighthouse and jetty marks the entrance from the ocean to the inland waterways where surfers, boaters, and anglers enjoy the waters abundant with fish and dolphin. Our beach and parks with nature boardwalks make walks and bike rides enjoyed by all. The Marine Science Center and restaurants with live music are all part of our small town we call home!

towers ponce
4651 S Atlantic Ave
Ponce Inlet, fl 32127
Google Map/Directions
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