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Volusia County Council gives final approval for FY 2021-22 budget.

Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 3:25PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



The Volusia County Council gave final approval to the new fiscal year budget for FY 2021-22 that starts on October 1, during a workshop meeting Tuesday evening. The new budget that was adopted totals out to $961 million, with $349.1 million going towards the most considerable component in the county, the general fund.

The county’s general fund supports multiple services provided by the county and used throughout Volusia. 

According to a release, property taxes account for thirty-three percent of the county’s total operating revenue. The remainder comes from various sources, such as licenses and permits, fees, special assessments, fines, charges for services, and appropriated fund balances. Including the general fund, Volusia County controls a total of nine tax funds. On Tuesday, the council adopted the following property tax rates:


General Fund - 5.3812 mills

Library Fund - 0.5174 mills

Volusia ECHO - 0.2000 mills

Volusia Forever - 0.2000 mills

East Volusia Mosquito Control - 0.1781 mills

Ponce De Leon Port Authority - 0.0845 mills

Municipal Service District - 2.1083 mills

Silver Sands Bethune Beach MSD - 0.0144 mills

Fire Rescue District - 3.8412 mills


The new county-wide property tax rate set for next year is at 5.3812 mills, which is a reduction from the current rate, which is 5.45 mills. The property tax rates will stay the same or decrease next year in seven of the nine funds.

Exceptions to the property tax rate decreases are for the Volusia ECHO and Volusia Forever – the county’s environmental, cultural, historical, recreational, and land preservation programs. While all property taxpayers pay into the county general fund, library fund, and the Volusia ECHO and Volusia Forever funds, the location of the residence determines whether any of the county’s other tax funds apply.

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