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Volusia County Planning and Development honored for Rural Outreach Project

Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
The agricultural industry, boasting over 1,575 farms with an annual economic impact exceeding $5.2 billion, is a cornerstone of the local economy and a cherished way of life for many Volusia County residents. To safeguard the thriving agricultural sector in Volusia County, the Planning and Development Services Division launched the "Listening, Hearing, and Planning for Rural Volusia" initiative in 2023.
The groundbreaking initiative, still in its early stages, has already garnered acclaim from the Florida Planning and Zoning Association's Surfcoast Chapter, which awarded the prestigious 2023 Outstanding Planning Study Award in December to the Planning and Development Services Division.
According to a release, the planning team hosted five public workshops to explain changes to the future land use element in Volusia County’s Comprehensive Plan and asked rural residents how they would like to see Volusia County grow. Four major themes emerged: slow down on development, protect the environment, prevent flooding, and improve transportation.
Impressed by the initial outcomes, the Volusia County Council fully supports the initiative, urging the planning team to continue their work. The team's engagement with Seville residents in 2023 was met with enthusiasm, prompting plans to extend outreach efforts to residents in DeLeon Springs, Tomoka Farms Village, Samsula, Osteen, and Enterprise in the coming year.
"Rural and agricultural residents want to be heard and included in positive change. We believe the county’s outreach efforts will help formulate a series of solutions that will protect the resources and the way of life that rural Volusians have come to love and appreciate," said Carol McFarlane, Director of Planning and Development Services.
As Volusia County balances development and preservation, the "Listening, Hearing, and Planning for Rural Volusia" initiative is a beacon of community engagement and forward-thinking planning.