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County Council confirms new EMS Director.

Wed, Aug 04, 2021 at 2:15PM

Written by Anthony Bicy

Belden Communications News



On Tuesday, Michael Colman became Volusia County’s new Emergency Medical Services Director, following his position as Chief Operating Officer of the Richmond Ambulance Authority.

Colman is replacing former EMS Director Jason Brady, who left the county in June after taking a position with the University Hospital-Rutgers in Newark, NJ.

After Brady left, County Manager George Recktenwald selected Colman for the position, and it was made official during the regularly scheduled County Council meeting held on Tuesday. Recktenwald also noted that Colman’s knowledge in event management and nursing are relevant to Volusia County.

“I’m confident that Michael will be a great fit for our organization,” Recktenwald told the council.

Colman got a warm welcome from Councilwoman Heather Post once the council confirmed the vote.

“I’m very hopeful and looking forward to your service as our new emergency medical services director,” Post said. “I’m really looking forward to you taking us to a new level.”

According to a release, Colman has a bachelor’s degree in applied science from Clayton State University and a master’s degree in public administration from Columbus State University.

“I’m super excited about the opportunity,” Colman said Tuesday morning. “I’m really excited to get started.”

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