Volusia County Cultural Council Hosts Workshops for Grant Applicants

The Cultural Council of Volusia County will conduct two workshops in April for organizations wanting to apply for the Volusia County Community Cultural Grant. The workshops will take place at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 3, in the second-floor community room of the Daytona Beach Shores Community Center, 3000 Bellemead Drive and at 9 a.m. Thursday, April 4, in the first-floor training room of the Thomas C. Kelly Administration Center, 123 W. Indiana Ave.
An organization representative must attend one of the workshops to be eligible to apply for the grant. The Community Cultural Grant provides general operating support to nonprofit organizations in Volusia County whose primary mission is to deliver cultural or heritage-based programs to the public. In 2023, $611,758 was awarded to 30 organizations.
The meeting will provide information about the submission deadline and grant scoring date. Grant award recommendations are forwarded to the Volusia County Council for review and final approval. For more information, contact Cultural Coordinator Robert Redd at 386-736-5953, ext. 15872, or rredd@volusia.org.